December 3, 2011

PTSD in Dogs

I came across this article today in the local paper. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in dogs is now officially recognized, thank heavens. It is wonderful to read that the military is helping the dogs that have been traumatized in a combat zone learn to cope.

Those of us who have picked up "pound puppies" know that it isn't just the military life that can traumatize a dog. My Lucy was a perfect example of a dog where something had occurred in her life to make her perpetually fearful. Bangs of any kind (among a myriad of other things) set her off. For example, we couldn't even go near a trail that ran behind a high school sports stadium where they used a gun-like sound to start a race. She was absolutely petrified of the place—and any percussive noises.

I think this speaks highly of positive training for affected pups. For dogs who live in fear, gentle training hopefully can help them deal with those things in their life that make them miserable. There is a local dog training facility where the owner has created a training called BAT (behavior adjustment training) that helps dogs control their response (lunging, barking, growling) to a threatening environment. Like the military's counter-conditioning, BAT training uses a similar approach to desensitize the dog.

FOOTNOTE: Here's another post on PTSD in dogs you might want to read:  Yes Dogs Really Do Get PTSD


The Lady said...

I have a friend reading the BAT book right now.

My Bella has some sort of issues. Either form lack of socialization or actual trauma. But she's getting better all the time!

Annie said...

Your Bella does sound like a tender girl. Glad to hear she's doing better. I know with Lucy it was a case of two steps forward, one back, one forward, two back—an ongoing dance.

Annie said...

P.S. Ahimsa training is a great facility. I wish the BAT book had been out when I had Lucy!