December 1, 2011

Giving that Final Love—The Compassion Program

My friends tease me how at the mere mention of a sweet dog story, I well up. If I was an actress, this would be my method for bringing on the tears. Yet I can't help it. Dog devotion is powerful.

I came across this story this morning and barely began reading before tearing started. These wonderful people volunteer in a Manhattan animal shelter to be with dogs the night before they are euthanized—to give them a warm touch, walks, treats and love at the end of their lives. My hat goes off to the shelter employees and volunteers who thought up this program and continue it. I don't think I'd be able to do it without crying and further stressing the animals. But oh! I do appreciate the individuals who give this care so freely!

NOTE: And now, more from Bark Magazine (my absolutely favorite read)! This story is about the selfless volunteers who have been entering the evacuation zone around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant to remove or feed (if the animals must stay) for the abandoned pets. These are some amazing people!

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