May 22, 2012

This is Not the End, Just a Temporary Leave of Absence

I know I've been silent, but it hasn't been that I haven't thought about writing. In fact, I think about it daily. But what I have discovered is that if I write here, I write no where else and writing only about Bella is not where I want my sole writing focus to flow...though Bella, herself, is pretty much front and center in my life (after my lovely soul mate, of course). So I've decided to take a breather so I can prioritize how and what I want to write about.

Dogs are a central part of my being and Bella has become my "heart" dog, which I thought impossible after Suzy. Lucy was my workout dog and to be honest, though I loved her, I don't ever want to repeat that relationship. It was too problematic and governed my life in a very non-positive way.

So how to write here and other places. How to write about dogs, my girl Bella, and keep things interesting, instructive and entertaining both for you, my dear reader, and for me. Hm. What makes a dog blog enticing to you? Are pictures more important than content? Would you read if there were few pictures? Things to ponder. Please let me know. I need to know if I am going to continue.

So without further adieu, I bid (I hope) a temporary adieu while I reconsider and reconstruct my writing priorities.

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