March 21, 2011

Teeth and Chuck-it

I've mentioned before that I am not a photographer, nor do I know how to use the options on my camera in order to take action shots of Bella, so the pictures I share are of her lying down or standing still. I've also mentioned how obsessive she is about fetch. We have three Chuck-its: one in my car, one in the van and one in the garage and they all get a huge work out. We have several friends who regularly play tennis, so our ball supply can get "replenished" on a regular basis.

One very happy, hot and anticipatory puppy!
The shot today is of one happy puppy waiting for me to throw the ball. Notice how hot she is (long tongue) and how dirty her tongue is (lots of muddy ball retrieving!) and how happy she looks! The path to her right is what she has worn into the mud going back and forth after the ball. This path is her center path, but both sides of the alley sport a Bella-route where there once was grass.

Now, for the not so good news... Bella has knocked the tip off of one of her bottom canines. I noticed this a long time ago and assume it happened in her teething stage when it was a constant battle to keep her from eating rocks. But I was shocked yesterday to see that the two premolars behind that one had also been "tipped" and that one of her lower incisors is missing. I can't say when this happened, though I am fairly aware of her body from constant touching, examining and teeth brushing. My conclusion is that it is recent. My horror that it has happened is compounded by the fact that she is not yet two! Did this come from playing fetch or chewing on bones?

The dilemma now is how to manage her desire to play ball and chewchewchew with the care of her teeth which she will need for many, many more years. One thing is for certain, she'll be playing no fetch with anything hard!

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