February 20, 2011

What's in a Name?

I've been asked many times why I named my blog Peas & Beans when it is about a dog. Good question! I had actually started a gardening blog sometime in 2006 with this name. I was curious about blogging and wanted to give it a shot, but was not very diligent about writing.

However, in 2007, our previous dog started exhibiting symptoms of going lame. In our quest to discover what was happening to her, we learned she was a candidate for back surgery. Although I could find information about the surgery itself, I couldn't find much about caring for her afterward. Thus Peas & Beans the gardening blog, became a dog blog. I knew I wasn't the only one with dog going through this and thought our tale might help them deal with a similar situation. I deleted all the gardening posts and began writing Lucy's story. I saw little reason to change the title as I am also an avid gardener and much of the dog's time is spent in the yard with me while I garden. (Not to mention all of my dogs have eaten more of my blueberries than I have!)

So there you have it! A rather half-baked (did I mention I am an ardent bread baker also?), gardening blog morphs into a dog's story!

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