December 5, 2012

What is the Difference in Similar Drugs?

I was with my niece today who is a temporarily retired vet tech. I was talking to her about the drugs I have for Bella for Mexico—Trifexis and Frontline Plus—and she asked where I got the Frontline. Costco. Her take was that is was more efficacious to buy via the vet for the same reason my vet mentioned. Her drugs are guaranteed and trackable from the manufacturer. Costco's are not. I don't know that for sure and need to check with Costco to verify.

She also said before she left her clinic (to become a full-time mom), they were seeing many dogs for whom Frontline was no longer effective. Hm. Very interesting. I'll have to check with my vet about that. My niece recommended using Advantix.

So it got me to wondering, what is the difference in these products? I came upon an interesting website that spelled it out. If you're curious, take a peek. I think it's worth it.

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