June 6, 2010


Bella has had soft poops for a couple of weeks. When it turned into diarrhea with a bit of mucus-y blood I became worried and took a stool sample into the vet. The diagnosis was giardia. Bella went on a 5-day regiment of Panacur (Fenbendazole) and a packet of Fortiflora once a day, sprinkled on kibbles. It was amusing when the tech said I might want to doctor Bella's food. I asked why only to be told many dogs find the drugs make the food unpalatable. Ha! Nothing is unpalatable for Bella! That is a dog with a cast iron stomach and non-discerning taste buds!

The Panacur started working immediately. The day after her first dose, her poops were more solid. I'm to bring another sample in a week to verify the giardia is gone. Here's an article on those little protozoans.

When we're mountain biking, there is nothing I can do about her drinking in streams. We can't possibly bring enough water with us to satiate both our thirst and hers. But at home, I need to keep her outdoors water bowl more clean (every day) and disallow her drinking from puddles or "community" water bowls placed outside of stores. It seems hard-hearted, but I'd rather she was a bit thirsty and can only get clean water at home than go through giardia again. It also makes me second guess taking her to a dog park where dozens of dogs share a water bowl and not all owners are diligent about cleaning up after their dog.

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