We're slowly but surely growing our neighborhood alert system for dog walkers. Owner's phone number, email address, dog name and description have been disseminated. Most of our alerts are via email, though there are still some folks where the alert is word-of-mouth while passing them on a walk. Hopefully we can "grow" the list and increase our clout when it comes to dealing with bad owners, aggressive dogs and Animal Control.
We're using it for protection mostly. After the last two mastiff attacks, it really went into full swing alerting not only where the attack happened and the description of the offending dog, but what local animal control was doing about the situation. It really ignited us and with several calls in to AC, we got good results—the dog was removed.
Today the alert system was put into another good use. One of the local walkers was stopped by someone driving the neighborhood looking for their dog. They were in town visiting and their dog slipped his collar getting loose. The alert went out to everyone notifying them of the dog and the owner's phone number. Unfortunately, the walker who was stopped wasn't given the dog's name! Hopefully, the dog is friendly and found and returned.
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