September 30, 2009


It happens to most city girls. Before they've even achieved adolescence they are medically altered to "it-dom." Our girl is just five months. I know it's for the best and I know it eliminates chances of some cancers, but you can't help but feel miserable for them.

Puppies definitely recover quickly, however. The first two days after the surgery, Bella was on drugs and although I was hesitant to use them, the vet warned about mitigating the pain the pup was in whether she showed it or not. (I certainly remember the pain I was in after the same surgery!) A friend who has two poodles used a funny, life preserver-looking collar on one of them and lent one to us. It's much better than "The Cone" and Bella got used to it quickly. She looks a bit like a flower, or a circus animal, or as my husband calls her, "Disco Dog." Many people have stopped and asked why she's wearing it. On the back of the tube it warns against using if for a life preserver.

By day 3, her activity level shot up. And now, 10 days after the surgery, her energy level is normal. Her stitches will be removed within the hour. No more life preserver around her neck. (I had it off today for about an hour and she started chewing the stitches. Guess she can wear it a little longer.) It will be nice not to have her banging into me on walks. I'm sure she'll appreciate being able to maneuver around without smacking things (although as a puppy I don't think she really cared). Sleeping should be nicer for her.